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Sometimes you can get a bit ahead of yourself. I think that just happened to me somehow. There was this certain gentleman who really caught my attention. We laughed and joked, and there seemed to be something stirring in the atmosphere, but he was either too shy or not interested enough to pursue and I was adamant that I was not going to call the shots. If The Lord was in it He would make what He wanted to happen, happen. It hasn’t and so I continue to wait on His very best…..

Doing life God’s way can feel confusing at times, but I know I serve a God of precision and order, so if confusion seems to creep in this means the situation can not be from Him.

It’s easy to want to try and rush things when you are waiting on The Lord, but He calls us to stand firm in the faith and not to grow weary, for we shall reap a wonderful harvest if we faint not.